#> [1] ''
Samples and Metadata
In qSIP2
, “sample data” refers to any metadata
associated with the individual fractions or their sequencing data. This
is the second level of metadata - more granular than “source data”, but
at a higher-level than the “feature data”.
The word sample typically refers to the biological
or environmental entity the DNA was isolated (aka the source
material). In qSIP, however, because there are multiple
sequencing runs per source, the term
sample has historically been reserved for sequencing of
each fraction. In practice, this means you will have many
samples for each single source. To
keep with the proposed MISIP1 standards, the source material is coded
with the source_mat_id
, and each sequencing run/fraction is
coded with the sample_id
The sample data has the most requirements to pass validation of the
three qSIP2
input types. To standardize these requirements
the column names should adhere as closely to MISIP standards where
possible. Absolute requirements are slightly different than the official
MISIP standards, and for the qSIP2
package would be the
, sample_id
, gradient_pos_density
and sample_id
One column of the metadata should contain a unique
that is associated with a
that matches one row on the
dataframe. Although the
should be unique for each row, it is expected
that the source_mat_id
will be duplicated creating a
many-to-one relationship. The format of the
doesn’t matter, as long as it is unique. A
popular choice might be the source_mat_id
appended with the
gradient position.
and gradient_pos_density
These are the required columns to describe the position and density
values for each sample_id
. gradient_position
is typically numbered by decreasing density, so the heaviest will be
, second heaviest will be 2
, etc. To pass
validation the gradient_position
must be
a positive integer, but -1
will also be accepted to
designate a “bulk” or other “unfractionated” sample (e.g. when doing
growth analysis). gradient_position
is not used directly in
calculations but can be useful for quality control.
is reported as g/ml with as much
decimal place precision as your method allows.
and gradient_pos_rel_amt
A requirement for qSIP is the gradient_pos_rel_amt
field, which gives the percent amount that a fraction has of the whole.
The preferred method is given in qPCR copy numbers per volume of source
material, but DNA totals/concentrations can be used as well.
The gradient_pos_rel_amt
column is required for MISIP
standards, but for qSIP2
we also require an additional
column with the “raw” abundance values for
each sample. This requirement is because typically a qSIP workflow will
produce the gradient_pos_amt
values, and the
can be derived from it using the
function. This function simply
totals up the gradient_pos_amt
for each sample in a source,
and then divides by the total. This math is the same whether using qPCR
amplicon copies or total DNA isolated.
For example, if there are 100,000 total 16S copies in a source as
determined by qPCR, and 15,000 copies in fraction 7, then the
value for fraction 7 would be 0.15
(15,000 / 100,000). Similarly, if you had 25ng total DNA used for
density separation, and fraction 7 had 3.75 ng DNA recovered, then
would also be 0.15 (3.75 / 25).
See below for cases where it might make sense for the totals to not
add up to 100%, and how to work with those cases in
An example sample dataframe is included in the qSIP2
package to demonstrate the possible columns.
sample | source | Fraction | density_g_ml | dna_conc | avg_16S_g_soil |
149_F1 | S149 | 1 | 1.778855 | 0.0000000 | 4473.7081 |
149_F2 | S149 | 2 | 1.773391 | 0.0000000 | 986.6581 |
149_F3 | S149 | 3 | 1.765742 | 0.0000000 | 4002.7026 |
149_F4 | S149 | 4 | 1.759185 | 0.0000000 | 3959.7283 |
149_F5 | S149 | 5 | 1.752629 | 0.0012413 | 5725.7319 |
149_F6 | S149 | 6 | 1.746072 | 0.0128156 | 7566.2722 |
qSIP2 Sample Data Object
The qsip_sample_data()
constructor builds a sample data
object from the dataframe. Like the source data object, the sample data
object is built by providing column names to the appropriate
sample_object <- qsip_sample_data(example_sample_df,
sample_id = "sample",
source_mat_id = "source",
gradient_position = "Fraction",
gradient_pos_density = "density_g_ml",
gradient_pos_amt = "avg_16S_g_soil"
#> <gradient_pos_rel_amt> not specified. Calculating using avg_16S_g_soil column
Notice our dataframe did not contain the required
column, but the function was able to
calculate it using the data in the gradient_pos_amt
See below for reasons why you might want to pre-calculate this value
rather than having the function calculate it for you.
Structure of qsip_sample_data
Like other qSIP2
objects, the
object is a list with a few key
components, but not meant to be inspected directly.
#> <qSIP2::qsip_sample_data>
#> @ data : tibble [284 × 7] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> $ sample_id : chr [1:284] "149_F1" "149_F2" "149_F3" "149_F4" ...
#> $ source_mat_id : chr [1:284] "S149" "S149" "S149" "S149" ...
#> $ gradient_position : int [1:284] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#> $ gradient_pos_density: num [1:284] 1.78 1.77 1.77 1.76 1.75 ...
#> $ gradient_pos_amt : num [1:284] 4474 987 4003 3960 5726 ...
#> $ gradient_pos_rel_amt: num [1:284] 1.28e-04 2.83e-05 1.15e-04 1.14e-04 1.64e-04 ...
#> $ dna_conc : num [1:284] 0 0 0 0 0.00124 ...
#> @ sample_id : chr "sample"
#> @ source_mat_id : chr "source"
#> @ gradient_position : chr "Fraction"
#> @ gradient_pos_density: chr "density_g_ml"
#> @ gradient_pos_amt : chr "avg_16S_g_soil"
#> @ gradient_pos_rel_amt: chr "gradient_pos_rel_amt"
The dataframe can be returned from the object using the
sample_id | source_mat_id | gradient_position | gradient_pos_density | gradient_pos_amt | gradient_pos_rel_amt | dna_conc |
149_F1 | S149 | 1 | 1.778855 | 4473.7081 | 0.0001284 | 0.0000000 |
149_F2 | S149 | 2 | 1.773391 | 986.6581 | 0.0000283 | 0.0000000 |
149_F3 | S149 | 3 | 1.765742 | 4002.7026 | 0.0001149 | 0.0000000 |
149_F4 | S149 | 4 | 1.759185 | 3959.7283 | 0.0001137 | 0.0000000 |
149_F5 | S149 | 5 | 1.752629 | 5725.7319 | 0.0001643 | 0.0012413 |
149_F6 | S149 | 6 | 1.746072 | 7566.2722 | 0.0002172 | 0.0128156 |
Validation of qsip_sample_data
A valid qsip_sample_data
object will have the required
columns, sample_id
will contain unique values, and
will be positive integers or
Additionally, the density_g_ml
values should be in a
reasonable range (between 1.55 and 1.8)
# modifying density_g_ml to be too low will give an error
example_sample_df |>
mutate(density_g_ml = density_g_ml / 2) |>
sample_id = "sample",
source_mat_id = "source",
gradient_position = "Fraction",
gradient_pos_density = "density_g_ml",
gradient_pos_amt = "avg_16S_g_soil"
#> <gradient_pos_rel_amt> not specified. Calculating using avg_16S_g_soil column
#> Error in validate_gradient_pos_density(dplyr::select(self@data, gradient_position, : some gradient_pos_density values are lower than 1.55
When to calculate the gradient_pos_rel_amt
Typically all of the gradient_pos_rel_amt
for a given
should add up to 1 (i.e. 100%), but there are
situations where it might be less than 1 (although never greater than).
For example, if you removed some fractions because they didn’t sequence
well or there was some other reason to remove a fraction. If those
removed fractions were 5% of the total data in that
, then you would expect the total of all
fractions to be 0.95 rather than 1. Another situation would be that
although you added 25ng to a centrifugation, you only recovered 20ng and
the rest was lost2.
This matters because if you run the
function on your dataframe then
the totals will add up to 1. You can then remove the rows from the
dataframe that you don’t want to include in the analysis, and sum of the
values will equal the appropriately
adjusted amount. But, if you remove the bad rows from the dataframe
first, and then let the qsip_sample_data()
function create
the gradient_pos_rel_amt
values, then they will be
artificially higher than they should be.
You can use a total abundance (qPCR or DNA concentrations) to
calculate the gradient_pos_rel_amt
source_mat_id = "source",
amt = "avg_16S_g_soil"
sample | source | Fraction | density_g_ml | dna_conc | avg_16S_g_soil | gradient_pos_rel_amt |
149_F1 | S149 | 1 | 1.778855 | 0.0000000 | 4473.7081 | 0.0001284 |
149_F2 | S149 | 2 | 1.773391 | 0.0000000 | 986.6581 | 0.0000283 |
149_F3 | S149 | 3 | 1.765742 | 0.0000000 | 4002.7026 | 0.0001149 |
149_F4 | S149 | 4 | 1.759185 | 0.0000000 | 3959.7283 | 0.0001137 |
149_F5 | S149 | 5 | 1.752629 | 0.0012413 | 5725.7319 | 0.0001643 |
149_F6 | S149 | 6 | 1.746072 | 0.0128156 | 7566.2722 | 0.0002172 |
Trying to run this function on a dataframe with an existing
will give an error, but it can be
overridden with the overwrite = T
source_mat_id = "source",
amt = "avg_16S_g_soil"
) |>
source_mat_id = "source",
amt = "avg_16S_g_soil"
#> Error: gradient_pos_rel_amt already exists! Set overwrite = TRUE if you want to overwrite
# set overwrite = TRUE to override the error, although this is a silly example here
source_mat_id = "source",
amt = "avg_16S_g_soil"
) |>
source_mat_id = "source",
amt = "avg_16S_g_soil",
overwrite = TRUE