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#> [1] ''


In qSIP2 we use resampling of the weighted average densities (WADs) to obtain the confidence intervals of the WADs within replicates of a type (unlabeled vs labeled) as well as in the shift of average WADs between types. The resampling is a simple bootstrap procedure where the source WADs for each feature_id are sampled with replacement nn times.

Resampling in R

Let’s assume a WAD dataset of 4 sources labeled A - D.

WADs <- data.frame("A" = 1.679, "B" = 1.691, "C" = 1.692, "D" = 1.703)

Sampling these 4 values with replacement will lead to some duplicates and some values missing. For example, below we see that B was sampled twice (denoted with the “.1”) and C was not sampled at all.

sample(WADs, replace = TRUE)
B D A B.1
1.691 1.703 1.679 1.691

We can wrap it in a purrr::map() function to sample nn times. The output is a bit messy because each “.1” column name is shown, but there are still only 4 values per row after excluding the NA values.

n <- 5
                      replace = TRUE, 
                      size = 4))
B D A D.1 B.1 C
1.691 1.703 1.679 1.703 NA NA
1.691 1.703 1.679 NA 1.691 NA
NA 1.703 1.679 1.703 NA 1.692
1.691 1.703 1.679 NA 1.691 NA
1.691 1.703 1.679 1.703 NA NA

qSIP2 resampling

The qSIP2 package has a function called run_resampling() that will perform the resampling procedure on a filtered qSIP_data object. This object must first be filtered with the run_feature_filter() function, and we’ll come back to how this filtering affects the resampling in a bit.

q <- run_feature_filter(example_qsip_object,
  unlabeled_source_mat_ids = get_all_by_isotope(example_qsip_object, "12C"),
  labeled_source_mat_ids = c("S178", "S179", "S180"),
  min_unlabeled_sources = 3,
  min_labeled_sources = 3,
  min_unlabeled_fractions = 6,
  min_labeled_fractions = 6,
  quiet = TRUE # running with quiet = TRUE to suppress messages

q <- run_resampling(q,
  resamples = 1000,
  with_seed = 19,
  progress = FALSE

Setting resamples = 1000 will give 1000 resamplings for each feature. The resampling is not a deterministic procedure, and so the use of a seed is recommended using the with_seed argument.

Under the hood

Internally, the qSIP2 code has a function that is called that makes the resampling output a bit more tidy. It does this by removing the original names and prepending them with the type. So, if the data was the “labeled” type, then resampled values will be in columns labeled_1, labeled_2, etc. It will also keep the data tidy by adding additional columns that are useful. This function is not called directly by the user, so it is shown here just as an example of the resampling procedure.

purrr::map_df(1:n, \(i) calculate_resampled_wads(i, WADs, "labeled"))
Example of resampling 4 WAD values 5 times
feature_id type resample labeled_1 labeled_2 labeled_3 labeled_4
1 labeled 1 1.692 1.692 1.692 1.679
1 labeled 2 1.692 1.692 1.691 1.692
1 labeled 3 1.692 1.679 1.692 1.691
1 labeled 4 1.691 1.692 1.692 1.691
1 labeled 5 1.691 1.691 1.692 1.691

Inspect resample results

The resampling results are stored in the qSIP_data object in the @resamples slot, but they are not necessarily intended to be worked with directly. Instead, the qSIP_data object has helper functions like n_resamples() and resample_seed() that will return the number of resamples that were performed and the seed that was used, respectively.

#> [1] 1000
#> [1] 19

Dataframe of resampled WADs

If you want the data itself, you can access it with the get_resample_data() function and appropriate arguments. Note, if you set pivot = TRUE the dataframe can be quite large and take a while to assemble/display.

#> # A tibble: 74,000 × 13
#>    feature_id resample unlabeled_1 unlabeled_2 unlabeled_3 unlabeled_4
#>    <chr>         <int>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 ASV_1             1        1.70        1.70        1.71        1.70
#>  2 ASV_10            1        1.71        1.71        1.71        1.72
#>  3 ASV_104           1        1.71        1.71        1.71        1.71
#>  4 ASV_108           1        1.72        1.71        1.72        1.72
#>  5 ASV_11            1        1.72        1.71        1.71        1.72
#>  6 ASV_112           1        1.71        1.71        1.71        1.71
#>  7 ASV_114           1        1.71        1.71        1.72        1.72
#>  8 ASV_119           1        1.72        1.71        1.71        1.72
#>  9 ASV_12            1        1.71        1.71        1.71        1.72
#> 10 ASV_13            1        1.71        1.71        1.71        1.71
#> # ℹ 73,990 more rows
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: unlabeled_5 <dbl>, unlabeled_6 <dbl>, unlabeled_7 <dbl>,
#> #   unlabeled_8 <dbl>, labeled_1 <dbl>, labeled_2 <dbl>, labeled_3 <dbl>

Visualizing range of mean resampled WADs

Rather than seeing all of the resampled data itself, you are often only interested in the range of the mean WAD values for each resampling iteration. You can leave the feature_id argument empty to see all of the features, or you can specify a single feature or a vector of features. Here, I will select 3 random feature_ids to show.

random_features <- sample(get_feature_ids(q, filtered = T), 3)
                         feature_id = random_features)
#> Warning: No shared levels found between `names(values)` of the manual scale and the
#> data's colour values.

Additional arguments can be called to add the confidence intervals (as bars or lines) or with a different confidence limit (default = 0.9).

                         feature_id = random_features,
                         interval = "bar",
                         confidence = 0.95) +
  labs(title = "With confidence interval bars")

When resampling goes wrong

The resampling procedure is a simple bootstrap procedure, and so it is not without its limitations. The most common issue is when there are more sources than your filtering requires, and you end up with WADs that contain NA values.

Take ASV_72 as an example, it is found in only 1 of the labeled sources (S178) above the fraction threshold, so it was removed from the previous filtering step. But, if your filtering requirements were less strict as before (e.g. by setting min_labeled_sources = 1), then this feature could make it through the filtering.

q2 <- run_feature_filter(example_qsip_object,
  unlabeled_source_mat_ids = get_all_by_isotope(example_qsip_object, "12C"),
  labeled_source_mat_ids = c("S178", "S179", "S180"),
  min_unlabeled_sources = 3,
  min_labeled_sources = 1,
  min_unlabeled_fractions = 6,
  min_labeled_fractions = 6,
  quiet = TRUE
) # running with quiet = TRUE to suppress messages
feature_id source_mat_id WAD n_fractions
ASV_72 S150 1.713317 1
ASV_72 S152 1.764545 4
ASV_72 S149 1.741933 5
ASV_72 S178 1.746895 6
ASV_72 S161 1.713579 14
ASV_72 S162 1.713647 18
ASV_72 S163 1.713918 19
ASV_72 S164 1.714959 19

But we now get an error when running the resampling step suggesting we increase our filtering stringency.

  resamples = 1000,
  with_seed = 19,
  progress = FALSE
#> Error in `purrr::map()`:
#>  In index: 10.
#> Caused by error:
#> ! Something went wrong with resampling...
#> It is possible that some resampled features contained only <NA> WAD values leading to a failure in calculate_Z().
#> Try increasing your filtering stringency to remove features not found in most sources

What is happening is that the resampling is done consistently across all feature_ids, so although there is only one labeled source for ASV_72, the other two sources (S179 and S180) are included in the resampling with a WAD value of NaN (for “not a number”, i.e. an numeric form of NA).

Bootstrapping a vector that is 2/3s NaN will fairly often return only NaN values, and therefore the mean is undefined. The previous error message above suggests increasing min_labeled_sources which would remove the number of NaN values passed to the resampling.

Allow failures

Although increasing the stringency can remove the error, it will also remove features from the dataset. If you want to keep the features (e.g. you didn’t want ASV_72 removed), you can set allow_failures = TRUE in the run_resampling() function. This will allow the resampling to continue, but it will also return a warning message that the resampling failed for some iterations of some features.

q2 <- run_resampling(q2,
  resamples = 1000,
  with_seed = 19,
  allow_failures = TRUE,
  progress = FALSE
#> Warning: NA unlabeled and NA labeled feature_ids had resampling failures. Run
#> `get_resample_counts()` or `plot_successful_resamples()` on your <qsip_data>
#> object to inspect.

The warning message here lets us know that there were no problems with the unlabeled resampling, but 4 features had failures for the labeled sources. We can see which features had failures by get_resample_counts() and filtering for values of nn less than 1000 (our number of resamples).

get_resample_counts(q2) |> 
  filter(labeled_resamples < 1000 | unlabeled_resamples < 1000)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   feature_id labeled_resamples unlabeled_resamples
#>   <chr>                  <int>               <int>
#> 1 ASV_149                  961                1000
#> 2 ASV_155                  968                1000
#> 3 ASV_161                  961                1000
#> 4 ASV_72                   693                1000

Here, we see that indeed ASV_72 was only successful in 693 of 1000 resamplings. Statistically, you may conclude that 693 resamplings is still robust enough to accept the conclusion. But inspecting the plot for these 3 of these features show something strange with ASV_72 and we may still choose to remove it from our analysis.

                         feature_id = c("ASV_72", "ASV_155", "ASV_161"), 
                         intervals = "bar")

We can further see the resampling successes for each feature with the plot_successful_resamples() function, and this histogram shows that most features do have 1000 successful resamplings.

Using success results for further filtering

Suppose you want to overlay this success data on your final EAF plot so you can decide you have enough resampling support to trust the EAF value you obtain. This is easy to do, and you can modify the point color based on passing a threshold. We will use a success rate of 90% (i.e. 900 of 1000 resamples) as our threshold here.

Here, we can see that although most are green, ASV_72 does show up as highly enriched and with a confidence interval clear of 0. But, the red dot further flags it as suspect and warrants a deeper look.

EAF = run_EAF_calculations(q2)

                error = "ribbon",
                success_ratio = 0.9)
#> Confidence level = 0.9


In conclusion, instead of pre-filtering your data based on the number of sources or fractions, you can use the resampling procedure to determine if your data is robust enough to proceed. This is especially useful when you have a large dataset and you want to ensure that you are not removing features that could be informative.